Thursday, April 29, 2010

Grade 3 News

By Mrs. Dickenman
Are you smarter than a third grader? What planet is known as “the blue planet”? Why does the snowshoe hare’s fur change from brown to whit e? When do we celebrate Earth Day? What are the tree states of matter?
Welcome to the wonderful world of science in third grade!
During the summer of 2009, third grade teachers began to purchase materials, develop, and plan for the new science themes based on the Connecticut State Standards. Mrs. Christopher worked on the unit for “Animals-Habitats and Adaptations”. Mr. Horn focused on studies for “States of Matter,” and Mrs. Dickenman explored “Ecology-Save Our Earth.” We were able to continue with the fourth high-interest theme on the solar system.
This year, we began to implement these units for our students. We’ve tried to incorporate a variety of endeavors for the children- class lessons and discussions, computer lab activities, projects, science journals, and homework assignments. The themes are rotated so that each class experiences a different unit each term.
Mrs. Moran has also worked closely with the teachers and children to provide fabulous science enrichment activities.
We’re all excited about the new adventures in science.