On Thursday, April 23rd – right in the middle of vacation – the new, redesigned Ashford School Website went live. We are quite excited about it. It is sporting many new features including announcements and an activities calendar right on the home page. The new home page currently resides at
http://sites.google.com/site/ashfordschoolct/ but the old address will automatically redirect you to it
(www.ashfordct.org). The address will be switched during the summer. You may need to empty your internet browser caches if you are still seeing the old site on your computer.

The new site was created by Marji Roy using the free online Goggle Sites tool. This was chosen so teachers could also design and develop their classroom pages and have access to editing them from their home computers as well as their school computers (and the price was right!) Many teachers are developing sites now with more to come. Check back often to see changes and updates. Check the new site out!