Sunday, April 26, 2009

New Ashford School Website Goes Live!

On Thursday, April 23rd – right in the middle of vacation – the new, redesigned Ashford School Website went live. We are quite excited about it. It is sporting many new features including announcements and an activities calendar right on the home page. The new home page currently resides at but the old address will automatically redirect you to it ( The address will be switched during the summer. You may need to empty your internet browser caches if you are still seeing the old site on your computer.

The new site was created by Marji Roy using the free online Goggle Sites tool. This was chosen so teachers could also design and develop their classroom pages and have access to editing them from their home computers as well as their school computers (and the price was right!) Many teachers are developing sites now with more to come. Check back often to see changes and updates. Check the new site out!

Monday, April 06, 2009

Positive Behavior Support (PBS) Program

By Marina Brand
The staff and students at Ashford School continue to promote a positive, safe, and healthy environment for everyone through the implementation of the Positive Behavior Support Program (PBS). All of our students learn and regularly review our three school-wide expectations of RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, and PRIDE. Signs throughout the building remind the students how to show RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, and PRIDE. Students receive recognition for exhibiting behaviors that exemplify these three expectations in school, whether it is in the classroom, cafeteria, hallway, playground, or the bus.

On February 27th, the entire student body gathered in the gymnasium for an exciting assembly. Our new superintendent, Dr. Longo, greeted the students and our principal, Mrs. Johndrow, reminded the students of our three school-wide behavior expectations and how to exhibit these expectations while they did their best on the Connecticut Mastery Testing. Three students from Mr. Schreiber’s class read short essays that they had written about examples of RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, and PRIDE that they had witnessed. Then, staff members “acted” and “performed” while Mrs. Bernardini read a children’s story aloud. The book, a humorous story about students taking THE TEST, was enjoyed by all of the students. The assembly concluded with a raffle drawing and a cheer led by Mr. Young, our very talented sixth grade teacher. Our entire community of staff and students left the gymnasium energized and ready to do their personal best on the CMTs.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

What is a Vortex?

By Michelle Bibeault
The science fair was recently held at Ashford School. Kindergarten students do not usually participate, although encouraged to do so, but this year Mrs. Bibeault's kindergarten students did! The focus was "What is a Vortex?" The students used two liter soda bottles along with dish detergent, food coloring, oil and water to make three different tornado bottles. The children eagerly participated in swirling the bottles around to observe the vortex and discuss what was happening. The tornado bottles are still in the classroom so the students can continue to engage in hands on learning with them for a while longer. Great job to everyone who participated in the science fair!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Students Attend Inauguration

By Carol Moran
Ashford School 7th graders Michelle R. and Yuba W. were lucky enough to attend the Presidential Inauguration. Both girls said that they did not actually get to see President Obama because of the crowds, but they were excited to just be there. "I got to witness history," Michelle said. When I get older, I can tell my grandchildren I was there," said Yuba.
Michelle went as part of the Junior Presidential Youth Inauguration Conference with other students from around the country. Teacher Charlie Wilcox nominated her last year for the National Youth Leadership Conference, and that led her to go. Yuba went with her family.
The inauguration was "cold, and very loud. Everyone was screaming, 'We need change now,” according to Michelle. She says a highlight was getting to meet so many different people from all around the country. Yuba agreed. “Everyone was really nice, very polite."
The girls also listened to other leaders speak, including former Secretary of State Colin Powell and former Vice President Al Gore. Michelle was especially struck with Colin Powell. "I really liked him. He had dreamed of becoming a leader. He was a great speaker."