Science Night Attracks Hundreds of Spectators
submitted by Mrs. Perkins and Mr. Rossi, Photos by Mrs. Lindsay
The Ashford community came out in droves, despite the chilly temperatures, to show their tremendous support for science education at Ashford School. The gym and cafeteria were packed on the evening of February 4th as participants of all ages displayed their kno
wledge and enthusiasm for science. There were over 200 displays from every discipline with many hands-on, minds-on activities. Even the art room was called into service as over 12 exhibitors chose to demonstrate their science research through PowerPoint presentations. Three eighth graders and one seventh grader qualified to enter their projects in the Connecticut Science Fair in March. Congratulations and best wishes for success at the Science Fair go to Nicole W., Ethan L., Paul F., and Jacob A. Honorable mention was awarded to Devon A. for her experiment on freezing fresh vs. salt water. The best part of the evening was to see the pride and responsibility with which students shared their projects with other members of the Ashford community. There is great hope for science education at Ashford School!
Mr. Rossi reported on his class wiki ( that
the students in the seventh grade created 48 different projects for Science Night. Seven of them were projects done by partners and 41 were done by individuals. Five of our team members entered the Connecticut Science Fair and our team had one winner. This project, The Coefficient of Restitution, (The science of bouncing balls) will be going onto the State competition at Quinnipiac University next month. Congratulations winner!
Other projects ranged in variety from, Is it possible to teach a chicken to dance: an investigation of chicken intellect, to Microbe-opolis: a mini metropolis in a petrie dish , with all kinds of chemistry, physics, and math thrown in between. Several students did demonstrations
such as Dry Ice Tricks and The Simple Machines in my ATV . Four additional students created Power Point presentations and presented them in the multi-media room.
One of the most amazing things that happened this year, was the number of people that came to Science Night. We were overrun by hundreds of spectators coming to view the scientific curiosities prepared by our students. It was great fun.