Thanks to funding from an EETT (Enhancing Education Through Technology) grant a group of 7 faculty members spent a chunk of their February vacation at school school creating new and exciting lesson plans to integrate technology into other curricular areas. Tech Coordinator Marji Roy organized a February Institute for teachers to work together sharing ideas, skills and creating. Teachers from a wide cross-section of the school participated including Rick Rossi (Grade 7 Science), Annie Perkins (Grade 8 Science), Kelly Knotts (Grade 6), Carol Moran (Enrichment), Chris Busse (Grade 2) and Michelle Bibeault (Kindergarten) along with Marji Roy assisting and problem-solving.
The types of projects developed reflect the curriculum units at the different grade levels. Projects ranged from using micro-processors to monitor temperature affects on breathing rates of goldfish, using video and iMovie to evaluate success or failure of bridge design, using temperature probes to monitor chemical reactions, exploring hurricanes, inventions, Ashford past and present, and transportation. On Monday second grade students got to start ri

Over the next weeks and months you will see the results of this workshop in some of the new activities your children will be completing using technology tools.